Friday, April 5, 2013

Pickled Walnuts, and Walnut Catsup. Maryland in 1813 - The Land of Pleasant Living

Pickled Walnuts, and Walnut Catsup.
For sale by the subscriber, a quantity of PICKLED WALNUTS, 2 years old, in jars of various sizes
               WALNUT CATSUP, spiced om the most approved manner, for Rock Fish and Beef Steakes.[1]                                                            WILLIAM J. ALLOCK,

               march 30                         2aw4t Howard-street.[2]

[1] The White House Cookbook (1887). Vintage recipes website. 2012. [accessed April 5, 2013]


100 walnuts
6 ounces of shallots
1 head of garlic
1/2 pound of salt
2 quarts of vinegar
2 ounces of anchovies
2 ounces of pepper
1/4 ounce of mace
1/2 ounce of cloves

Beat in a large mortar green walnuts until they are thoroughly broken; then put them into a jar with shallots cut into pieces, garlic, vinegar and salt; let them stand for a fortnight, stirring them twice a day. Strain off the liquor, put into a stewpan with the anchovies, whole pepper, cloves and mace; boil it half an hour, skimming it well. Strain it off, and, when cold, pour it clear from any sediment into small bottles, cork it down closely and store it in a dry place. The sediment can be used for flavoring sauces.

Image from: Catsup…or is it Ketchup?

[2] Baltimore Patriot; Date: 04-05-1813. Page: [1].
Transcribed April 5, 2013 by John Peter Thompson

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