Saturday, June 28, 2014

Political Conspiracies are Nothing New - June 28, 1814 Barney and the Dems Conspire to Harm Federalists Party in Maryland

            It is currently reported and believed in St. Mary's, Charles and Calvert counties, and in the exposed parts of Prince George's, that Barney's flotilla into the Patuxent for no other purpose than to bring the war into those federal counties, and thus to divert the attention of the enemy from Baltimore and Washington.[1] The circumstances mentioned to support this statement are strong, if not conclusive. In the first place the flotilla was equipped to defend Baltimore harbor, and it was understood not to leave there. Secondly, Barney ran into the Patuxent when it had been in his power to get into the Potomac, if he was ordered their. Thirdly, instead of running into St. Leonard's Creek, if he had proceeded up to Nottingham or pinpoint, a small place 7 miles higher up, he might then have defended himself  effectually, sloops of war being unable to follow him. And, if necessary, he might have carried barges across on rollers from pinpoint to the Chesapeake, only 9 miles. It would not have been the first time that gunboats were seen in cornfields. But they could have been left in safety. If Barney was ordered to the Patuxent for the purpose suppose it, it was a most wicked and wanton act the executive. —[2]

[1] Hoey, John B. Copyright 1995-2014.  "Federalist Opposition To The War Of 1812
Engaged in a War That Was To End In A Stalemate, Did America's Founders Miscalculate Its Military Institutions?" {accessed from the web June 28, 2014:]

The Federalists opposed the war for several specific reasons. For one thing, they saw it as a party war designed to further the interests of Republicans and to silence the opposition ~n a view that was reinforced by the Baltimore Riots in 1812 and the refusal of the administration to accept Federalists into the Cabinet in1814. "I regard this war, as a war of party, and not of the country," said Rufus King in 1812. "The people are no more obliged "O to approve and applaud the measure," added the United States' Gazette, "than "O any other party project."

The Federalists also feared that the war would throw the nation into the arms of Napoleon, who was variously described as "the great destroyer," "the little tyrant," the "monster of human depravity," and "the arch-fiend who has long been the curse and scourge of the European World." The initial protests against the war, particularly in New England, often expressed greater fear of a French alliance than of the war itself. "The horrors of war, compared with it, are mere amusement," said Timothy Dwight. "The touch of France is pollution. Her embrace is death." French Dominion, added William Ellery Channing, threatened not just the wealth, but "the minds, character, morals, and the religion of our entire nation."

Even after the danger of a French alliance had receded, Federalists continued to oppose the war because they considered it an "offensive" war aimed at Canada. Although willing to support a war to protect American commerce or to defend the nation's frontiers, they refused to sanction the conquest of Canada. "Let it not be said," Congressman Morris Miller of New York told the Republicans in 1813, "that we refuse you the means of defense. For that we have always been ~n we still are ready to pen the treasure of the nation. We will give you millions for defense; but not a cent for the conquest of Canada ~n not the ninety-ninth part of a cent for the extermination of its inhabitants."

[2]  Salem Gazette.; Date: 06-28-1814; Volume: XXVIII; Issue: 51; Page: [2]; Location: Salem, Mass
Transcribed by john Peter Thompson, 28th June 2014.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 27th 1814 BARNEY VICTORIOUS!, Deserters, and Sales - Baltimore Patriot

Sunday Night , 9 o'clock.
            We stop the press to publish the following interesting information, just received from our correspondent at Benedict - - Nat. Int.
            BENEDICT,  JUNE 26
            Sunday morning 6 o'clock
            "There has been since day–break they continued firing in St. Leonard's creek.   Having been this morning on a high hill above this place, I have both seen and heard it.
            The mass of several very large British vessels are distinctly seen with a glass over the land which intervenes, and the smoke of every gun is visible as it rises above the trees.
            We are in fear for Barney, the British having been greatly reinforced, as appears by the number of vessels there. On the first news which reaches us of the results, I will write you."
Postscript No. 2. 
Patriot office, 3 o'clock Monday.
            We have just seen a gentleman from St. Leonard's Creek, whose date, that
On Sunday morning Com. BARNEY attacked the enemy, consisting of a razee and frigate, and after an action of one hour and a half, compelled them to set sail and stand down the River —  the Commodore then come [sic] out of St. Leonard's Creek and stood up the Patuxent.
            On their way down, off point patients, the British part Dr. Somerville's house. The British were set fire to three times by hotshot.— Three killed and eight wounded on board the Flotilla.
                                        United States,
Maryland District.
By virtue and pursuance of an order to me directed, from the Hon. James Houston Esq.  judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for Maryland District, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the lower end of Frederick–street Dock, on FRIDAY, the first day of July next, at 11 o'clock, for cash,
The Schooner
her Tackle, Apparel, and furniture, as she now lives.
THOS. RUTTER,  Marshall.
June 24
On TUESDAY, the 28th inst. at 10:30 o'clock, at the Auction Room head of Frederick Street Dock
A Variety of Dry Goods,
And at 12 o'clock,
10 pipes French Brandy (high proof & well flavoured, warranted pure, as imported)
50 cases Old Claret, imported in 1810
11/2 pipes Teneriffe Wine
15 cases Martinique Cordial
five have pipes Madeira Wine
12 hhds Muscovado Sugar
50 bags St. Domingo Coffee
10 tierces fresh Rice
three chests Hyson Skin Tea.
                                    Wm. VANCE & Co, Auc'ts
June 25
Charitable Marine Society of Baltimore.
The Stated Yearly Meeting of this Society, for the election of officers, collection of dues, and the transaction of other important business, will be held on MONDAY, the 27th instant, at 7 o'clock, P. M. At Pamphillion's Hotel, Fell's Point.
            Punctual attendance of the members is respectfully requested on this occasion; and the payment of all arrearages and dues is most earnestly solicited.
            By order of the Pres.,
June 23
50 Dollars Reward.
DESERTED on the 23d inst. in full uniform, which he may have since changed, WILLIAM HUTTON, born in Cumberland county,Penn aged 27 years, 5 feet, 10 1-2 inches high, fair complexion, grey eyes, black hair and by profession a Shoe Maker, but is fond of driving horses, and has been hired for a siege driver; as a mother and several relatives in Baltimore, where it is supposed he is now lurking. The above reward will be given to any person who will take up said deserter and deliver him to the commanding officer of this place, or by any other officer to whom he may be delivered, who commands a post, Garrison or district.
                             F. EVANS Capt. Art.
Fort M'Henry.
June 24
On Friday Evening, t10th inst. a White Trunk marked G. Paul, Baltimore, with leather straps buckled on each in, was missed from our store, containing very valuable Goods.
            It may have been delivered to some person in mistake, in which case a generous reward will be given for its return, if required; but is stolen and any of the articles enumerated below offered for sale, we caution the public against purchasing them, and offer a large reward for the chief if convicted of the act, or $100 for the recovery of the goods— contents as follows:

22        India Mulmul embroidered Dresses
16        do                    do        Children's Frocks
7          pieces colored cambric Shawls
2 1-2   do 8-4 Levantine Shawls
5          do embroidered        do        do
8          doz. Ladies' short white Kid Gloves
6          do        Silk Handkerchief
3          band–boxes fringed playing Ribbons, Nos. 3,4, and  4-7
1          band–box Silk Cords, 35 pieces.
                        WM. M'DONALD & SON.
            The National Intelligencer, at Washington will please copy the above eight times, daily.[1]


[1] Baltimore Patriot, published as Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 06-27-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 151;Page: [3]; Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Column six right side of page complete trasncribed by John Peter Thompson, 25th June 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014

Ravages of the Enemy In Maryland June 24th 1814 - The Weekly Messenger, Boston, Mass.


ALEXANDRIA, JUNE 18 — By a gentleman direct from the neighborhood of Barney's Flotilla and the British squadron, who arrived  here  last evening, we have the ,most distressing account of the  situation of the inhabitants of that section of Maryland — A brig of 12 guns and 15 barges were as high up  the Patuxent on Thursday at Benedict — the barges had progressed to Nottingham, a considerable distance  above Benedict.  He states that a number of houses were burnt by them, and other enormities committed — among those were on belonging to Captain Mackall, and one to Mr. Broom — On crossing the ferry at a place called Pig Point  yesterday morning he distinctly saw the barges at Nottingham, and smoke issuing from a house which he was told belonged to General Bowie, and it is probable the whole village is burnt  — A tobacco warehouse has been burnt by them on the St. Mary's side of the Patuxent containing a quantity of tobacco.  He represents the distress of the citizens as extreme  — ­ the  woods and roads full of women and children flying in all directions from their homes. The British lay all the night before last at Lower Marlbro'.[1]

from: Christopher T. George's War of 1812 Blog
American and British Routes August to September 1814.  The broad yellow arrow shows American troop movements from Washington to the defense of Baltimore: General Ross's British Army returned to their troopships on the Patuxent for the trip up to the city on the Patapsco for a combined land-sea attack (turquoise and brown arrows).

[1] The Weekly Messenger; Date: 06-24-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 36; Page: [3]; Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson: June 14th, 2013.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Springs at Home" --- Bladensburg vs. Rockville. June 21st, 1854

"Springs at Home" --- Bladensburg vs. Rockville.
            Considerable improvements are going on in Rockville. Our town will shortly present quite a renovated appearance. Strangers who are now here, to spend the summer months, seem to be delighted with the village, it's society, scenery and the beauty of the surrounding country. The health of our village, and indeed, of the whole County, never was better.

            The above nice little electioneering puffs is of course, from the Rockville Journal. We do not wish to detract in the least from that agreeable village, and doubt not the summer months could be safely pass there, although FAHRENHEIT will stand at as high a figure there has any where else — our own village of Bladensburg is destined to "take the wind out of its sail" completely.

            It is in contemplation to erect at the latter place a large and commodious Hotel, where families can be handsomely and comfortably accommodated. If this be done, there can be no earthly doubt that Bladensburg will absorb the patronage of all those persons in the country surrounding — and there [sic] name is Legion — who would like to of veil themselves for some weeks or months of an extremely healthy location, without the great expense, trouble, and loss of time incident to a regular trip to the "Springs." For our part we hope our friends there will keep the ball rolling, for the realization of this project will be a source of very great convenience.

            The reasons why Bladensburg is preferable to Rockville and all other neighboring places, will readily suggest themselves. In the first place, its famous SPA WATER is an invaluable qualification and inducement. In the second place, it is just as healthy and locality as Rockville. Thirdly, it is immediately on the railroad, between Washington and Baltimore, and consequently convenient to either place. We might enumerate many other points of excellence, such as the hospitality of its citizens, &c., content ourselves with urging, as a final argument, that it is renowned as the field of a famous battle. It has thus a "national reputation," and those patriotic citizens who may tarry there, while enjoying the walks through the village, the SPA WATER, the health, the propinquity to the two cities, the hospitality of the people, &c., &c., will have the proud consciousness of knowing in the language of a native poet, that they are

            "Standing, without dread,
            Where their fathers fought and fled."

            We think the idea of "Bladensburg Springs" a decided "card."[1]


[1] The Planters' Advocate and Southern Maryland Advertiser. June 21, 1854. Maryland State Archives. [accessed on the web from msa_sc3415_scm3597-0106 -]
Transcribed by John  Peter Thompson, June 22nd, 2014.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

For Sale in Baltimore June 21, 1814: Glazier's Diamonds, Claret, Sugar, &c.

Glazier's Diamonds, Claret,
                Sugar, &c.

4 doz Glazier's Diamonds,
20 casks Claret,
60 boxes      do
 6 bhds  Muscovado Sugar,
30 casks  Allum,
 5 pipes Cogniac [sic] Brandy,
            St Domingo Coffee, Sugar of Lead [1], and
            China Vermillion
                        for sale at No. 9 Spear's wharf
June 21                                               [illegible][2]

Glazier's Diamond - Advertisement Jun 21, 1814
Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser

"Lead acetate, also known as sugar of lead, is a salt that (ironically) has a sweet flavor—a fairly unusual quality in poisons,  which are more likely to taste bitter, signaling to the taster that they are unsafe for consumption. The ancient Romans used the compound—which they called sapa—to sweeten wine, and the aristocratic segments of the population could toss back as much as two liters a day (about three bottles’ worth, although wine was usually diluted with water). There is debate as to whether the wine alone could have produced the traditional physiological effects of lead poisoning, such as organ failure, infertility and dementia—the little things that help facilitate the fall of an empire.

[2] Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 06-21-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 146; Page: [3].
Transcribed by John Peter  Thompson, 21 June 2014.


[2] Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 06-21-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 146; Page: [3].
Transcribed by John Peter  Thompson, 21 June 2014.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Reports from the Patuxent and the Chesapeake Flotilla, June 14, 1814

Alexandria Gazette Commercial and Political; 06-14-1814; Vol: XIV; Issue: 4175; Page: [3]; Alexandria, Virginia
Alexandria Gazette Commercial and Political[1]

Baltimore, June 11.


            By the Annapolis–Packet, arrived last night, we learn that two expresses have arrived to the governor from Com. Barney, whose Flotilla was at Leonard's Creek, in consequence of which 5 or 6 field pieces had been dispatched to him and a numerous body of militia and volunteers had gone thence from Anne Arundel County to his assistance.

            It was understood the expresses brought accounts that the British had brought all their forces to the Patuxent, and on Wednesday and Thursday made a vigorous attack on the Flotilla principally with Rockets from a brig prepared for the purpose. The firing was of long duration, and no other damage was known to have been done [to] the Flotilla, except that a rocket had fallen on one of the barges, which killed one man and scorched two. Heavy firing was heard yesterday afternoon; supposed another attack.

[1] Alexandria Gazette Commercial and Political; Date: 06-14-1814; Volume: XIV; Issue: 4175; Page: [3]; Alexandria, Virginia. [transcribed by John Peter Thompson, 14 June 2014]

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Tobacco cultivation June 11th, 1856 (& Recipe for Mock Strawberries)

The Planters' Advocate No. 42 Wed., June 11, 1856

Agricultural Department



            As the Tobacco plant grows and develops, a blosom[sic] bud put out from the top which is formed buttoning. The top must be pulled off along with such of the upper leaves as are too small to be of any value. The plants are thus left usually about two or 3 feet high. The plant also shoot out suckers from every leaf, which must be broken off, care being taken not to break the leaf from the mainstem. This causes the leave to spread.

            The most regular topping is performed by measure. The topper carries in his hand a measure 6 inches long, I occasionally applying which, he can regulate the priming with great accuracy; as the remaining leaves are numbered, this governs the operation, and gains the object of even topping. The topper should always carry his measure in his hand, as it serves to prevent excuses for negligence and uneven topping. Prime 6 inches, and top 28 leaves. We have found by experience that this is the best average height. We sometimes, but seldom, Barry from this general rule. If the land is poorer than common, or if, from the backwardness of the plant, and the advanced stage of the season we apprehend Frost, we do not prime as high; (say 4 inches.) If we have an uncommon rich spot, and there is danger that the top leaves will come to the ground, we should rise in the same proportion. The crop should be wormed and suckered at least once a week.
Topping and housing.

            In about three – months after setting out, the plants assume a spotted in yellowish appearance, indicating that they have obtained sufficient maturity for cutting and housing. This stage of tobacco culture is generally reckoned the most difficult and delicate part of the whole business; and the plantar, if he wishes to be successful, must give it all his attention, as the prophet of a whole plantation for the year greatly depends upon the diligence and skillful management exercise during the few days of cutting. He should therefore be well prepared for this state of the crop, by having the Barnes close, carts and wagons in good order, and everything arranged to dispatch business as much as possible, since it is hard work he has to encounter. To save a heavy crop in the best manner requires both energy and activity. The most judicious hands should be selected for cutters. The plants are cut with a knife near the ground, and suffered to lie in the sun for a few hours, cause them to "fall" or will. When the field is a pretty large one, a middling or average hand should count the whole number of plant teacups, so that, allowing each cutter the same number, we may arrive at nearly the whole quantity cut. —We should never cut more nor less than will fill the contemplated barn; otherwise there is labor lost in attending to a barn not full, or the over–plus is injured for want of firing. The tobacco after it has "fallen" or become sufficiently limber, is carried to the barn in carts are wagons, being from 6 to 10 plant on a stick, and stowed away for firing. It is also of great importance to be particular in the arrangement of the sticks. The equal and general circulation of heat throughout the house depends on the manner in which this is done. Our barns commonly have three firing tears above, and three below, the joists. We commence arranging the sticks on the most elevated tear in the roof, to which we give 5 inches distant; and on each tier, as we defend, we gain 1 inch; so that on the lowest year, nearest the fire, the sticks are placed 11 inches apart. The disposition of the sticks, we have ascertained by late experiment, is important. The sticks of tobacco being wider apart, next to the fires, gives freer circulation, and, consequently, a more equal temperature, then the usual way of equal distance from bottom to top. Beth having more space to offend, must be more equal and generally diffused, and will give a more uniform house of tobacco. We esteemed this a considerable improvement; and if we have house – room, and make a greater difference in the proportionate distance between the sticks, it will be a still better arrangement.

To Make Mock Strawberries. —A lady in Chicago, Illinois, says: "cut up ripe peaches and soft mild cutting apples, in the proportion of three to one, into pieces about the size of strawberries, and mix them with a proper proportion; and, after they have stood together a few hours, and thoroughly mingled their flavors, even an amateur, if he will not look at the hash, might easily mistake it for strawberries."         

(The Planters' Advocate & Southern Maryland Advertiser. No. 42 Wed., June 11, 1856, p.1)