Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Springs at Home" --- Bladensburg vs. Rockville. June 21st, 1854

"Springs at Home" --- Bladensburg vs. Rockville.
            Considerable improvements are going on in Rockville. Our town will shortly present quite a renovated appearance. Strangers who are now here, to spend the summer months, seem to be delighted with the village, it's society, scenery and the beauty of the surrounding country. The health of our village, and indeed, of the whole County, never was better.

            The above nice little electioneering puffs is of course, from the Rockville Journal. We do not wish to detract in the least from that agreeable village, and doubt not the summer months could be safely pass there, although FAHRENHEIT will stand at as high a figure there has any where else — our own village of Bladensburg is destined to "take the wind out of its sail" completely.

            It is in contemplation to erect at the latter place a large and commodious Hotel, where families can be handsomely and comfortably accommodated. If this be done, there can be no earthly doubt that Bladensburg will absorb the patronage of all those persons in the country surrounding — and there [sic] name is Legion — who would like to of veil themselves for some weeks or months of an extremely healthy location, without the great expense, trouble, and loss of time incident to a regular trip to the "Springs." For our part we hope our friends there will keep the ball rolling, for the realization of this project will be a source of very great convenience.

            The reasons why Bladensburg is preferable to Rockville and all other neighboring places, will readily suggest themselves. In the first place, its famous SPA WATER is an invaluable qualification and inducement. In the second place, it is just as healthy and locality as Rockville. Thirdly, it is immediately on the railroad, between Washington and Baltimore, and consequently convenient to either place. We might enumerate many other points of excellence, such as the hospitality of its citizens, &c., content ourselves with urging, as a final argument, that it is renowned as the field of a famous battle. It has thus a "national reputation," and those patriotic citizens who may tarry there, while enjoying the walks through the village, the SPA WATER, the health, the propinquity to the two cities, the hospitality of the people, &c., &c., will have the proud consciousness of knowing in the language of a native poet, that they are

            "Standing, without dread,
            Where their fathers fought and fled."

            We think the idea of "Bladensburg Springs" a decided "card."[1]


[1] The Planters' Advocate and Southern Maryland Advertiser. June 21, 1854. Maryland State Archives. [accessed on the web from msa_sc3415_scm3597-0106 -]
Transcribed by John  Peter Thompson, June 22nd, 2014.

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