Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sure Sign of Spring - Garden Seed for Sale - Georgetown, Feb. 26, 1814

Ott & Bunyie,
Vegetable Seed for Sale
February 26, 1814
Federal Republican Newspaper
Georgetown, District of Columbia

The subscriber has just received, a General
Assortment of
Early York                                          CABBAGES
Battersea                                                        "
Drum- Head                                                   "          
Green & Yellow Savoy,                                 "          
Early Short- Top & Salmon RADISHES
Solid and Red CELERY
White and Brown ONION
Early and Late CAULIFLOWER
EARLY CUCUMBER- all of which have
been tried, and found to vegetate.
He has on hand, as usual,
a large and General Assortment of
HAVANA SEGARS of a superior quality &c.
All of which he is disposed to sell on the lowest terms.    JOHN OTT.
                                                                                                                        Chemist and Druggist.
N.B. For the accommodation of his friends
and the public, he keeps his Fountains of
running during the winter.
Georgetown, Feb. 17.  co18t
            The subscriber being executor on the estate
of the late Thomas Main, Gardener, near
Georgetown, has for sale at his store, opposite the post office, Georgetown,
            Beans and Peas of different sorts
            Early York and other Cabbages,
            Turnip, Onion And a variety of other Garden seeds
                        Also, at the Nursery
some thousand plants of the Pirate cancer
Hedge Thorne, a variety of Fruit Trees
Purple Each, Paper Mulberry
Catava, Chinese Arborvitae
Honey Locust, Flowering Bushes, &c.
                        WILLIAM BUNYIE [sic].
February 15 - co[3]t*[1]

[1]  Federal Republican; Date: 02-26-1814; Page: [1]; Georgetown, District of Columbia.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 26th, 2014.

Thomas Main, a gardener from Scotland, settled in the District of Columbia around 1804. His nursery may have been the earliest in the District of Columbia.

"In 1805, Thomas Jefferson ordered 4,000 thorns from the Thomas Main nursery to plant at Monticello as a live fence.Main called this particular species the "American hedge thorn" and it grew abundantly around Washington." quoted from the website - Washington Hawthorn at 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Imprisoned for Failure to Repay Debt in 1813 Maryland - John Ball of Prince George's County Petitions for Release from Prison

Maryland — Prince Georges [sic] county, to wit[1]
Application being made to me the subscriber, in the recess of Prince Georges county court, as an associate judge of the first judicial district of Maryland, by petition in writing of John Ball of Prince Georges county, praying for the benefit of the "Act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors" and the supplements thereto, on the terms mentioned in the said acts, a schedule of his property and a list of his creditors on oath, as far as he can ascertain them being and next to his petition, and the said John Ball having satisfied me by competent testimony that he has resided in the state of Maryland two years immediately preceding the time of his application; having also satisfied me that he is now in confinement for debts, and praying to be discharged therefrom. I do therefore order and adjudge that the said John Ball be discharged from his imprisonment, and that by causing disorder to be inserted in the National Intelligencer, weekly for three months successfully before the first Monday in April next, give notice to his creditors to appear before Prince Georges county court on the first Monday in April next, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said John Ball should not have the benefit of the several acts as prayed. Given under my hand this sixth day of October 1812.
                                                            DANIEL CLARKE.
            January 1 ..w3m [2]

[1] Debt, failure to repay a loan, was a serious matter in Maryland during the colonial, revolutionary, and Antibeluum periods in Maryland. Failure to repay could and did result in imprisonment.  Any attempt to explain Maryland's confusing, complicated, complex, contradictory and inconsistent insolvency and bankruptcy laws is beyond the scope of a mere footnote. In a very real sense much of Maryland's political history is the tale of relations and resulting tensions between creditors and debtors. Those who lent and those who borrowed were at odds as to personal, social, ethical and moral responsibilities. When criminal fraud was layered upn economic inability to repay a loan, penalties and punishment quickly became entangled.

In the decades immediately following the founding of the English colony of Maryland by the Calvert family, the role of creditors was firmly established. Legislation was introduced as early as 1637 to address default on loans. A debtor could find his future labor indentured to his creditor or creditors. In other words he would become bound contractually to work off the debt. Almost at once, debtors asked for relief. For example if a debt was called in during the growing season and the debtor physically held so that he could not plant, cultivate and harvest his crop of tobacco, it then stood to reason he could in no way pay off his financial obligation to the creditor that had brought legal claim against him.

Conditions of imprisonment for debt could be extreme in Prince George's County as well as the rest of the State of Maryland. In 1731, the General Assembly order an investigation of debtor's prison conditions and the treatment of prisoners by the county sheriff, Richard Lee.  . On Friday July 23, 1731,
"Mr Ralph Crabb in Obedience to an Order made at last Sessions of Assembly Ordering him and Mr Edward Sprigg to repair to the Gaol of the Sherriff of Prince Georges County and to Examine the Prisoners Concerning their being beat & abused by the said Sherriff Return to the House the Depositions of Several prisoners by them taken with a Recognizance taken of the said Sherriff for to keep the peace & be of Good Behaviour.(Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732. Volume 37, Page 237).
see also:  Volume 37, Page 118 "Whereas this House is Informed that Mr Richard Lee Sherrif of Prince Georges County hath during the Sitting of this Assembly beat and Abused Some Languishing Prisoners in his Custody and threatned others with Cruel and Severe Usage for Petitioning the Assembly for their Liberty and this House having taken the said Information into Consideration and being of Opinion that if the Same be true such Treatment is inhuman Cruel and a Violation of the Libertys of the Brittish Subject as also an Insult on and a Violent breach of the Priviledges of this House. It is Ordered and Resolved by this House that Mr Ralph Crabb and Mr Edward Sprigg Justices of the Peace of Prince Georges County and Members of this House Repair in some Convenient time to the Gaol of the said Sherrif And in his the said Sherrifs presence Examine' the prisoners and such other Persons as Can Inform them of the Truth of the Complaint made against the said Sherrif and return the Examinations to be by them taken to this House the next Session of Assembly in Order to be Considered, and if they find the facts Charged Against the said Sherrif to be true that they Cause him to Enter into Recognizance with Sufficient Suritys to be of good behaviour and to keep the peace in the Interim with all the good people of this Province Especially to the said prisoners."  

By the end of the Proprietary government and the establishment of the State of Maryland the contours of credit versus debt; Senate versus House of Delegates; specie (coins and precious metals) versus paper money;  Federalists versus Democratic-Republicans (Anti-Federalists or Jeffersonian Democrats); restrictive property requirements for voter qualifications versus universal enfranchisement for western European males; the Potomac Valley, Georgetown, and Bladensburg versus the Patuxent River planters, Baltimore merchants, and the Chesapeake watermen; - were shaping the political discourse and the history of Maryland.


[2]  Daily National Intelligencer; Date: 02-12-1813; Volume: I; Issue: 37; Page: [4]; Location: Washington (DC), District of Columbia.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 12th, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Church's "Organic" Skin Care Lotion for Sale at G & R Waite's in Baltimore 1814

Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 02-10-1814;
Church's Skin Care Lotion
G & R Waite''s, Baltimore 


JUST received at G. & R. WAITE'S Truly Fortunate Lottery Office and Stationary Store, corner of St. Paul's lane and Market-street [Baltimore, Maryland, USA]—

a fresh supply of
Church's Genuine Vegetable
which effectively and speedily cure all eruptions and humors in the face and skin, particularly the following, viz:

Freckles— Shingles— Temples— Blotches—Tetters— Ringworms— Tan—Sunburn—Prickly Heat— Redness of the nose, arms, &c.— Scorbutic and Cutaneous eruptions of every description.[1]

               This Lotion is excelled by no other in the world. It has been administered by the proprietor for several years in Europe and America with the greatest success. By the ample application of this fluid, might and morning, it will remove the most rancorous and alarming scurvy in the face. It is perfectly safe, yet powerful, and possesses all the good qualities of the most celebrated cosmetics, without any of their doubtful affects. It is therefore recommended as a certain and efficacious remedy, and a valuable and almost indispensable appendage to the toilet, infinitely superior to the common tra[s]h — Cream drawn from Violets and Milk of Roses! Suffice it however to say, it has been administered to many thousands in the United States and West Indies, with the greatest and most unparalleled success, and without even a single complaint of its efficacy. A small bottle at 75 cents, will be found sufficient to prove its value.[2]

               †‡†A few bottles of CLOUT genuine Durable Ink for Writing on Linen with a pen, may be had as above — price 50 cents.[3]
               april 29[4]

[1] TETTER :  any of various vesicular skin diseases (as ringworm, eczema, and herpes).SCORBUTIC:  of, relating to, producing, or affected with scurvy. CUTANEOUS :  of, relating to, or affecting the skin. © 2014 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.
[2] about $7.55 in 2010 dollars.

[3] about $5.16 in 2010 dollars.

[4] Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 02-10-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 34; Page: [4]; Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 10th, 2014 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the night of the 13th inst. 1814, a Mulatto Woman called BETSEY COLE


               RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the night of the 13th inst. a Mulatto Woman called BETSEY COLE, aged about nineteen years; she is uncommonly handsome and has long black curly hair; and carried with her a blue striped country cloth frock, a drab cloth shawl and other clothing.  Also went off at the same time a Mulatto Boy, named LEWIS, about 17 years old;  he has a conspicuous mark under his right eye, occassioned by the kick of a horse, which has blackened the skin; he has black curly hair and is very small for his age — his clothing consisted of a drab great coat, one pair mixed cloth pantaloons, a brown over jacket and plumb colored coatee —  Twenty dollars will be paid for either of the above runaways if taken without this district and ten dollars if within it.
                                                                           ALEXANDER MOORE.
               Alexandria, Jan 21 _ [?][2]

[1] $40.00 in 1814 was equal to appr. $413.00  in 2010.

[2] Daily National Intelligencer; Date: 02-09-1814; Volume: II; Issue: 345; Page: [1]; Location: Washington (DC), District of Columbia.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 9th, 2014.

Orphans Court Notice & Sale Announcement: Benjamin Stoddert of Bladenburg's Estate - 1814

Orphan's Court of Prince George's County, January 25th, 1814.

               Ordered by the Court, that Thomas Ewell Administrator of Benjamin Stoddert late of said county, deceased, sell the whole of the deceased's personal estate for the payment of his debts, on a credit of nine months, for all sums above $10, and for all sums to the amount of $10 and under for cash; after giving three week notice, by advertisement in the National Intelligencer and by advertisements set up at the most public places in the neighbourhood [sic], of the time and place of sale. And it is further ordered, that he take on with an approved security from the purchaser or purchasers thereof.

                                                            TRUMAN TYLER, Register.
               Jan: 31 - 3w[1]  

               Agreeably to the above order the subscriber will sell at public sale, on Wednesday the 23d day of February next, the whole of the personal property of Mr. Stoddert, consisting of very valuable negroes, among which are a miller & a coachman, the first quality of household furniture, among which are the best beds, mattresses and bedding, window curtains, a quantity of plate and other very valuable articles — also 6 horses, and a few Cows, Oxen, Sheep, &c. with a variety of other articles, farming utensils, wagons, carts, &c.  The Sale will be at the late dwelling of Mr. Stoddert in Bladensburg, and will commence at 10 o'clock, and be continued til the whole is sold.      
                                             THOMAS EWELL, Administrator.

N. B. at the same time will be sold a new and handsome finished carriage with good plated harness a little worn for  275 dollars cash, and the balance on the above credit of nine months.
               January 31- 3w[2]

[1] Daily National Intelligencer; Date: 02-09-1814; Volume: II; Issue: 345; Page: [1]; Location: Washington (DC), District of Columbia.
[2] Daily National Intelligencer; Date: 02-09-1814; Volume: II; Issue: 345; Page: [1]; Location: Washington (DC), District of Columbia.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 9th, 2014.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Restricting Who Can Vote is Nothing New - 1814

"Free-trade and no impressment. "

               We rejoice to find, that the public nerve of Maryland is yet sensitive. — We rejoice to find, that the voice of public indignation rings loud against the proposition, which we noticed yesterday. A few, to be sure, urge that as the monster was strangled so soon; though can ought to record its obituary. But the general voice more correctly cries aloud for an exposure of the infamy of its parents. But, how can we expose it more fully, friends, and to state the fact. This we shall continue to do— Yes; a Federalist proposed to disenfranchise the militiamen of Maryland; if they dared defend their country. "Tell it in gas!  Publish it in the streets of Askelon!"[2]

               But, we renew this subject, for the purpose of proving to the people, that it is not narrowly the soldier, in defense of the state, that the Federalists would make a slave of; but, everyone, who did not come up to their standard of merit, viz. property. The intelligent and sensible of those states, which retain property qualifications, it is believed, at this day, generally admit their futility. It seems now generally conceded, that and the protection of life, liberty and property is the object of civil government; it is very absurd to say, that those who have not the last, shall have no voice in choosing those, who are to protect the two first, far more important as they are. In the words of a good writer," it seems at length to be pretty generally admitted, that the love of country, and the practice of virtue, are not confined to the men of property; that patriotism and political rectitude are as common among the laboring poor, as among the drowsy rich."  Paulding, Williams and Van Wert, where of the class of incorruptible poor; Arnold and Hutchinson, were rich and traitors to their country. If human happiness be the legitimate aim and in the government, and if man, not in animate, matter not property, B it's true object; then it follows, that it is from men, not from property, that the general will or the government principle is to be collected."

               In Maryland, however, there are few, if any, of either party, who openly denied the correctness of [?] reasoning. But, which party have [sic] acted in conformity to it?

               In 1800, the delegates were Democratic, and the Senate federal. The Democrats proposed an abolition of property qualification. The federal Senate opposed it, and instead of it, attempted to hamper the right of suffrage still more; by requiring not merely a property qualification, but an assessment on the assessor's books. In 1801 and 1802, the Democrats obtain the ascendancy in both branches, and established universal suffrage by ballot, on the overthrow of all property qualifications. Thus, not only rationally extending the right to all, who were to live under the laws; but protecting by the ballot, from that chance which might occur of browbeating the poor man, by the purse-proud dictator.[3]

               But, with their present majority, fraudulently and infamously obtained, by cheating the people of Allegany [County,] you see citizens of Maryland, the tories [sic] are playing their old game. True, they shrunk from the trial. But they showed to you, what they would do, if they dared. They thrust forward the cloven-foot, though they were anxious afterwards took drawback, and height.[4] —  There cannot be a shadow of doubt, that the men, who would even think of depriving the militia man, in the service of his state and country, of his rights as a voter, wood, if they dared, gladly send ballot boxes on board Cockburn's fleet; and take the votes of men actually in his Majesty's service, to choose those, who wished to aid it.[5]


[1] DISENFRANCHISE:  to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity; especially :  to deprive of the right to vote. © 2014 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

[2] "Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph." 2 Samuel 1:20  Readers in 1814 would have instantly made the connection.

[3] Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 02-08-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 32; Page: [2]; Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 8th, 2014.

[4] Religious reference to Satan (the Devil in the Christian Bible; therefore, Evil) that would have been instantly known to all readers in 1814.

[5] Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Cockburn, 10th Baronet GCB   22 April 1772 – 19 August 1853) was a Royal Navy officer. As a captain he was present at the battle of Cape St Vincent in February 1797 during the French Revolutionary Wars and commanded the naval support at the reduction of Martinique in February 1809 during the Napoleonic Wars. He also directed the capture and burning of Washington on 24 August 1814 as an advisor to Major General Robert Ross during the War of 1812. He went on to be First Naval Lord and in that capacity sought to improve the standards of gunnery in the fleet, forming a gunnery school at Portsmouth; later he ensured that the Navy had latest steam and screw technology and put emphasis of the ability to manage seamen without the need to resort to physical punishment. {Wikipedia:,_10th_Baronet]  

Friday, February 7, 2014

Groceries for Sale in Baltimore February 1814 - STILLES & WILLIAMS

Sugar, Tea and Coffee.
The subscribers are selling Sugar, Tea and Coffee, with an extensive variety of Groceries at prices much below what speculation had advanced them to — Apply to

Corner of Market and South streets [Baltimore, Maryland, USA]

Who have on hand,

A few bags of old Java Coffee
200 bottles Lemon Juice (in fine order)
20 qr. [?] casks Teneriffe Wine
2 puncheons Old 4th proof Spirits [1]
50 bags Bordeaux Almonds
A few dozen bottles Japan Soy (a scarce and highly esteemed Catsup)
10 kegs pure Ground Ginger
100 boxes Mould and Dipt Candles, all sizes
and warranted to burn well
Spermaceti and White Wax do.
10 kegs Sweet scent Chewing Tobacco,
(that will be sold very low)
White and Yellow Soap in boxes
Mace, Nutmegs, Cloves and CAssia
10 boxes best Fig Blue
A few bottles India Curry (much admired and very scarce)
A few doz. Jars Pickled Oysters
India Straw Passage Matts
Burgundy, Claret & Vin de Grave
in cases of oe doz. bottles
Maderia [sic] and Port Wines in bottles and
on Tap, of choice quality
With a number of other articles, all of which will be sold at fair prices

Jan 19 [2]

[1] 1 puncheon = 318.226432 liters
[2] Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 02-07-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 31; Page: [3]; Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Transcribed by John  Peter Thompson, February 7th, 2014.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Playing Cards for Sale, Baltimore, Maryland, February 1814

Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser. 02-07-1814
Playing Cards - Advertisement


The subscriber has for sale, a few boxes of
Harry 8th
Eagle Merry Andrew
Merry Andrew and
of the very best manufacture, which will sell on the usual moderate terms.

As usual,
Miscellaneo[us] and School Books, Bibles, Testaments — Writing Paper,Pen-Knives and other Stationary Articles.  Country orders put up.   JOSEPH ROBINSON,
Printing Office and Book-Store, 96, Market-st.
               Sept 17 [1]

An uncut sheet of eighteenth-century French playing cards.
 © 2014 The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 

[1] Baltimore Patriot, published as Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser.; Date: 02-07-1814; Volume: 3; Issue: 31; Page: [4]; Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson. February 6th, 2014.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Margaret Adams - Estate Sale 1814


                On SATURDAY, the 18th day of March next, will be exposed for sale, all the remaining SLAVES late of MARGARET ADAMS, deceased — amongst whom are several valuable men and women servants.  Also, several Cows and Young Cattle, together with a Horse, a Sow, and all the Household Furniture, Farming Utensils, &c. &c. belonging to the estate.
               The sale will be at the house lately occupied by Margaret Adams in Bladensburgh; to be peremptory, and for cash, on delivery.  Any person wishing to purchase any part of this property at private sale, will please apply to RICHARD T. LOWNDES, ESQ. of Bladensburgh, who is authorised [sic] to dispose of the same, any time prior to the public sale.

                                                            BENJAMIN ARMITAGE.

               fEB. 3                                                                              CO19T* [1]


[1]  Federal Republican; Date: 02-07-1814; Volume: VIII; Issue: 1097; Page: [1]; Location: Georgetown, District of Columbia.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 3rd, 2014.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mrs. E. Rose, Jun. offers for Sale: "ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, WREATHS, TRIMMINGS, &c." February 2, 1814


               Respectfully informs the Ladies that she has always on hand an elegant assortment of


Of a superior quality, for sale, on reasonable terms, near the Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Washington city.            Jan 28 [1]

"Silk flowers are an exquisite beauty"
Alicia Hodkins 2012

[1] Daily National Intelligencer; Date: 02-02-1814; Volume: II; Issue: 339; Page: [4]; Location: Washington (DC), District of Columbia.

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson, February 2nd, 2014.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Security or Liberty? The more things change; the more they stay the same. US Congress January 1814

Robert Wright (1752-1826)
Senator, Governor, Congressman, Judge
Artist: Wightman, J. Pinkney (1896)
Maryland State Archives MSA #:MSA SC 1545-1007
Location : Legislative Services Building, Maryland

The following remarks on Wright's Resolution, in the House of Representatives of the U. S.  to suspend the right of trial by jury, and to substitute Martial Law in lieu thereof, are copied from the Ev. Post.[1]   

               Martial Law . — In a paroxism [sic] some of rage and madness at the disappointment they have met, with in their attempts to carry on a war against the opinions and feelings of the people in a great and powerful section of the union, the administration have [sic] had the desperate hardihood to propose, by one of their leading members in Congress, to tear from the citizens of this country the right to trial by Jury.   This right, on which more perhaps than on any other, depend the lasting existence of a free government; this right, sacredly securing to the citizen in all criminal cases by the Constitution, has been vitally attacked on the floor of Congress, and an attempt made to deprive the accused of it under the awful charge of HIGH TREASON itself; a charge the most heinous that can arise between the government and the citizens, involving life, death and confiscation. Yes, fellow-citizens, governor Wright of Maryland[2], one of the leading members on the side of the administration, has brought forward a formal resolution to extend the rules and articles of war two spies, to all the Citizens of the United States.  This, if adopted, will expose every man residing near a camp, to the bloody vengeance of any villian [sic]  who may happen to be commander in chief. If only to corrupt wretches can be found to charge the most respectable citizen who may happen to visit a camp, or to live near it, with being a Spy, this commander may seize him in an hour, try him by a hand of subservient officers the next, and the third hang him on the first tree.[3]

[1] Northern Whig; Date: 02-01-1814; Volume: VI; Issue: 5; Page: [2]; Location: Hudson, New York
Transcribed by John peter Thompson, February 1st, 2014.

[2] Robert Wright (1752-1826) MSA SC 3520-1425: Governor of Maryland, 1806-1809 (Democrat) Archives of Maryland (Biographical Series)  []

Military service:
            Private, Captain James Kent's Militia Company, 1776
            Captain, Col. William Richardson's battalion of the Maryland Line, commissioned July 1777,
            mustered out in October 17779
Positions held:
          Admitted to the bar, 1773; lawyer
            Maryland House of Representatives, 1777-1778; 1780, 1784; 1786-1787; 1791-1792
            Maryland Senate, 1801
            U.S. Senator, 1801-1806
            Governor of Maryland, 1806-1809
            Clerk, Queen Anne's County, 1810
Ø  U.S. Representative, 1810-1817, 1821-1823
            Associate Justice, Second District, 1823-1826
[3] The Wright Resolution was referred to the House Committee of the Whole in January 1814 as an Order of the Day for the follwing Friday after the debate; it was never called up and, therefore, never acted upon. Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856: May 24, 1813-March 3, 1817: 1813-1817
Volume 5